David truly helps his clients “Grow and Flow” our businesses! I was 4 months into my own business when I hired David for a year of business coaching. Before working with him, I had 0 clients and was succumbing to “shiny object syndrome”: changing niches, business strategies, and priorities practically every week. Working with David, I settled on a profitable niche the very first session, and he helped me develop strategies and priorities that led to me landing my first 7 clients for a 5-figure contract in the first four months of working with him! That deal alone paid for my investment working with him for a whole year! He was smart, kind, empathetic and held me accountable. I would have given up several times throughout the year without his support. I highly recommend him, especially if you’re a former corporate employee transitioning to being an entrepreneur!
Rachel Theriot
When I engaged David as my coach over two years ago, my coaching business was at zero and I was really struggling. But David’s advice has been invaluable in helping me get it right and my business is now skyrocketing. His pricing guidance was especially helpful, and profitable for me. I am very grateful for David’s guidance.
Robert Polster
I started working with David for help launching a big new program for my business. I was stuck, and he helped me move it forward, cutting through the confusion, and increasing my confidence when I was overwhelmed.
David gave me a brilliant idea to jumpstart the program so that I am now set up with a scaleable business model to grow and flow my business. I had not even imagined this was previously was possible!
Sharon Seivert
Working with David has been significant and high value for me. He’s helped me clear out blocks that were unknown to me, which has allowed me to move forward with my business and building a great team. I’m unstuck!!
Kelli McCauley
Before I started working with David, I wanted to transform my client base from a single client, that was absorbing a lot of my time and effort, to a more ideal client base of multiple businesses characterized by innovative, energized leaders. I felt unsure that such transformation could occur without a significant interruption in revenue. I also was unsure about my rate, wondering if I was “worth” more.
David helped me by:
- Owning my new vision and direction with my business – where I really wanted to go.
- Raising my rate 31% and own that.
- Being prepared organized, and able to act upon new opportunities as soon as they came up. I didn’t need to consider my next step. I already knew what it was going to be, and I was able to respond instantly.
Since then I have:
- Quickly attracted three great new opportunities with clients that fit the ideal profile that I developed with David.
- I was also able to secure this business at my new higher rate. From doing that, greatly increased revenue is on its way.
- All this happened within 6 weeks. Great results!
The timing of the opportunities might have been a coincidence, but would I have been able to recognize them and act as efficiently, with such sure-footed direction without having discussed my strategy with David? Answer there is easy: no way.
Hobey Landreth
My biggest challenge around my coaching business is getting stuck in feeling guilty because of not working on the business in the way I think I should. I am supposed to be retired and enjoying life not getting out of my comfort zone and feeling overwhelmed and stressed. On the flip side, it is quick for me to beat myself up if I don’t do enough on the business making feel guilty and ultimately like a failure. David is an amazing coach. I can’t say enough about his patience, skills, and insights. We have had many powerful sessions together, particularly the “healing” ones, where I was able to let go of lots of my limiting beliefs and negative feelings. In a recent session I had my biggest breakthrough that allowed me to get unstuck and move forward with so much more confidence. It was like this layer of blocks was removed. I am a new me. I am truly confident. Thank you so much, David for what you do.
Catherine Clift
David is an expert at dissolving limiting beliefs that the unconscious mind holds on to which sabotages our growth. I have personally had a few sessions with David which has caused me to attract greater wealth possibilities than I would have ever imagined on my own. Out of the blue someone who I didn’t even know suggested me for a HGTV pilot program, someone who I had never met called me and offered me two properties for almost free, another person e-mailed me with a request to buy their property at 50% off price, I had a student of mine offered a $5,000 training for free from one of my good friends,……miracles.
Debra Cleveland
I started working with David to start my coaching business and to find my first paying client. With David, I’ve had all my coaching wins: first workshop, first client, first group coaching program, first mastermind! Signing on multiple clients at premium rates that I thought was out of reach when I started out. Also being seen as an expert in my field, mind-blowing! I’ve grown so much as a coach with him. People see me as a go-to guide to grow their businesses. That’s led to media features, high-end clients, and becoming friends with thought leaders in my field. Without David’s guidance, I don’t think it would’ve been possible!
Kimberly Lucht
Before I began with David, I thought I knew where I wanted my career to go. Although that direction made sense in terms of building on what I had done before, it soon became clear that my heart and soul were no longer in that endeavor. Try as I might to override this truth, it just didn’t work and I became frustrated. David was amazing! He hung in there with me and offered creative ways to help me discern my new direction. He was always patient, kind, intuitive and responsive to what I needed in the moment rather than adhering to a preset formula. I deeply appreciated that and it made all the difference. Thanks to David, I now have a professional focus that fits perfectly with who I’ve been, who I am becoming and who I most passionately desire to serve.
Barbara McCollough
When I started with David I lacked self confidence and was unsure of my next steps for my new coaching career. I had a fear of being visible and authentic to others that had me stuck. Working with David I came to know and appreciate my talents and skill. I love ME more which enables me to be more visible and not fearful of the reactions I may receive. I feel a freedom I have never had before!
I found that David is extremely intuitive, perceptive and a joy to work with. Along with more freedom, I am now have a deeper trust of the universe, and a greater ability to help others… and I smile more.
Sharon Nierescher
I went to David for support from feeling heavy grief from a recent loss and feeling out of control with my emotions. With his presence, care and compassion, David guided me to quickly let go to get to a place of being grounded and connected. I now have been able to move forward in my life focused on my desires and intentions rather than spinning in any kind of fear. Priceless!
Sheryl Dvorin
Before working with David I was frustrated, having no success with the online marketing and online presence of my business “Quiet Clarity”. He helped me to improve my marketing skills, which included getting clearer as to who my audience is and tightening my niche. I now have much better practices and clarity on how to market my offerings. And I have more confidence that I can grow Quiet Clarity to be a thriving business.
David Resnick
The two years that I worked with David were the two most crucial in my entire life. I learned how to find ME, how to really listen to ME, to know what was ME and what was the fears, and people pleasing masquerading as me. I learned how to stop running from uncomfortable feelings and to feel them fully and get to peace. I learned how to make a plan to go after what I really wanted. I finally found something worth pursuing and had 100% clarity to see it come to fruition.
David was a consistent source of presence, and constantly held space for ME and my inner self to come out and express itself. I have never experienced that before and it was so valuable. His insight, encouragement and support helped me through some of the hardest years of my life. And on a simple, yet life shattering way – David helped me learn to love myself. He showed me that I could do so with just as much love as I have for my parents, and my own son – unconditional love. This is the single biggest gift and one which greatly impacts my life still to this day.
I am grateful for David and the many hours he spent with me over the years.
The work he did has had a massive impact on my life.
Thank you
James Sweeting
I came to David for healing around dealing with very challenging clients that were emotionally heavy.. I experienced powerful healing that has freed me up from being responsible for anyone. Since then I am able to protect myself while serving my more challenging clients and being freed up allows me to better help them. Thank you David for such a valuable session!
Tina McDermott
Before working with David I was not finding the focus, time and energy to make any moves forward in my business. I was feeling stuck, that I would never reach my goals. I was then able to apply flow and ease and re-prioritize to have a greater focus, efficiency while having a lighter hearted approach. I now have more time, energy, creativity, focus and people – all contributing to the project. My sense is that there is now a snowball effect of momentum. I also am feeling proud of my progress these past few months and that I have demonstrated leadership by inspiring people and giving them the space to choose to come on board and share their gifts.
Abry Deshong
I was stuck in fear and worry and not moving forward towards creating and marketing my art — as well as stuck in other areas of my life.
Working with David I re-prioritized to what was truly important and what energizes me. Choosing to do the things I love along with taking care of things that used to freeze me in worry. I have been moving forward from a place of passion , presence and possibility. Consistently taking action and feeling free and encouraged more than ever!
Michele Digregorio
I am so beyond grateful for the impeccable space that David Hipshman holds. He is masterful at what he does. With his keen intuition, he has the ability to hone in on the root of an issue and his loving presence makes it safe to really go there. I feel so seen and held in our sessions and my progress as a human and as a coach has evolved greatly thanks to his guidance and support.
Today in our session, we cleared some MASSIVE resistance on my part and afterwards I was delightfully flooded with creative inspiration. I haven’t felt this clear and inspired in a long time. It was a massive breakthrough and has paved the way for me to uncover my unique authentic voice in a way that is so deeply fulfilling and FUN! I feel I have returned home to myself and there is no greater gift one can give than this. Thank you David!
Alexandra Mathews
I’ve worked with David for several years. He is an outstanding coach. His techniques are both powerful and effective. His insights and recommendations helped me overcome inner blocks. This enabled me to be more genuine and true to my own purpose. I recommend him highly.
Rick Gault
David has helped me tremendously. I have needed his support because I am going for big changes and big goals. I am moving towards my goals, taking more action with far more clarity and confidence. This has help me be much more effective with my marketing strategies and activities. The result is I am getting many more high quality leads then before and I know what to do when I talk with them.
Beatriz Perez
David is a wonderful coach! I had a huge turn around in my focus and goals within 2 sessions. David knew exactly what questions to ask to really get me really thinking about what I truly wanted to focus on and how to get there. My time with David was life-changing and invaluable!
Melinda Beaver
With David’s coaching I have been able to get unstuck and move forward towards my dreams and goals. I wake up every morning ready to start a very detailed, exciting ritual. I’m completely jazzed about my radio show and I’ve created time in my day to work on my passion. I have a plan to run an ultra marathon in May, which was a direct result of my coaching with David. I now have removed major barriers that were stopping me from moving forward, and I have a deep certainty that I will be successful. I feel renewed and re-connected to my passions!
Caity McCardell
I love being coached by David. I love the way that David guided me to have my vision, that included surprising realizations about what I truly want, and what is truly fulfilling for me. In a short time I am already moving closer to the results I want in my life. I am inspired that I will get past any obstacles to achieve them.
Sheryl Dvorin
In our session I felt like I was riding a big wave! … taking me towards my goals and to massive success.
Henry Rowland
The tools David shared in our sessions, that I continue to use, have helped me build an awareness of what I can put out. This has resulted in a renewed energy and attitude and feeling. I am not getting so frustrated with the littlest things and now. I am not doubting my potential which for me is really important. I am taking more courageous action. I am transforming where major successes are happening more often in my business and all areas of my life.
Robin Doss
From the start David helped me to let go of my old company and old patterns. That was the first time I saw how I was stuck in the past and trying to salvage what was not working. This liberated me to start again newly inspired.
Judy Neil
I was very impressed with the results of our series of sessions. I frankly didn’t think that it would be that quick…but by the end of the last session, I was surprised by the experience of transformation I had not been able to get to before. David was confident, gentle, coaxing and very compassionate.
Gina Katigbak
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